We are a team of like-minded professionals specializing in open source solutions with a passion for cloud technologies, automation and highly available applications. Our aim is to provide pragmatic solutions with security, scalability and maintainability in mind.

We design, build and support architectures in data centres, on premise environments, public clouds, private clouds or hybrid infrastructure and are well-versed in Linux system administration, network engineering, security systems and a wide range of commonly used open source software products. We have built VoIP and mobile telecommunications solutions, critical internet infrastructure and SaaS deployment pipelines. Where possible we promote a DevOps methodology.

If you have an immediate support issue, or are planning a new project, contact us to discuss how we can assist.

If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.


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Proxmox is an excellent open-source virtualization platform that integrates the KVM hypervisor and lightweight LXC containers. Besides …

OpenVPN is one of those great open source success stories. It is used in many organisations and almost single handedly powers the whole …

After upgrading to tmux 2.9 this week our standard .tmux.conf produced the error invalid option: window-status-current-bg. Our updated …
